After the Dust Settles: 10 Tips on Post Construction Cleaning 


Nothing tastes sweet when your building, establishments and most especially your home is finished. It is the time and moment that you have been waiting for as owners to finally see and live with your dream building, establishments or homes. After a long period of time of waiting, finally your place is ready to be used and gone are the stressful days of planning, buying and deciding the best things for your place. However, after the contractors and crews make their exits, it is always noticeable that dust settles in every corner and your place needs a total cleaning makeover from one of the best companies in town like the construction cleanup. Having our company will ensure you that your place is dust-free, refined and incomparable. 

If you are planning to do the cleaning alone, you should think twice as you will not only deal with little dust but also with difficult polishing and scrubbing. You will also need numbers of materials and tools to do the job that cost a lot, so it is best to hire experts in this field of job as they have the proper skills, tools and equipment in this field of work. 

To help you more, below are the 10 tips on Post Construction Cleaning: 

  1. Inspect every corner of your place; have you observed leftovers from the contractors and workers such as garbage, lumbers, steel bars, dry walls and large woods? Then, this must be the first move to do; to remove all unnecessary things from your place. You should always be vigilant even to small things as it will create dust that will cause future problems.  
  1. Have you observed that your floors are not presentable because of the dirt, muds and some damages? Then, this is the second move to do; to examine if your floors have serious damages and if none, you should start buffing, mopping, waxing and polishing your floors to make it presentable. Apart from that, if you found damages on your floor you could always consult the contractor to fix it for you. 
  1. Using carpet in your place is exquisite especially when it is clean. If you observe that your carpet is not in good condition, especially if it has a bad odor, you should make a move of cleaning it and giving it an outstanding fragrance that will surely impress you and the upcoming guests. 
  1. Your walls are not free from dirt and damages, in order to have an outstanding baseboards and walls; you should repaint and fix the damages before it gets complicated. 
  1. When we talk about mirrors and windows, it is best to use high quality because it will not only give you an excellent look but also it is not difficult to clean. In cleaning the windows, you need a cleaning product that is heavy duty for outstanding results. It is also risky to clean your windows and mirrors, so better leave it to experts and professionals. 
  1. When you start cleaning, you should see to it that you turn-off your electricity to avoid unexpected accidents. 
  1. When you have drawers, cabinets, and closets, you must inspect every corner of these things to completely clean them.  
  1. You should also ensure that the air inside your place is clean and filtered. Using HVAC is highly advisable to use to get rid of the dirt and dusts on air. 
  1. In terms of your driveways and hallways, you should make sure that you removed all dirt and garbage such as gravel and sand that were used during the construction. 
  1. After doing all the post-construction cleaning, you can now figure out that your place is indeed ready to use. But you should always inspect if there are final touches that you should do to completely have the best place to live in.  


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